How to reset melabel password?

A step-by-step guide to resetting your password for the new login system. Applicable for existing members. To reset your password, start at and follow the steps below.

Can I release a cover song?

Yes! When you are releasing a cover song, please select the “Cover” checkmark for the asset. You Need a LicenseWhenever you record a song that someone else wrote, you need to get permission from thecopyright holders. This is true even if you are giving away your recording. Getting permissioninvolves contacting the copyright holders for each […]

Artwork Requirements

ME Label is all for creative independence. But one of the most common reasons why we can’t approve releases is because of complications with the artwork.Below you will find rules and the most common mistakes, so you can avoid them: Main Rules High-quality image and text. For example: make it clear enough to be shown […]

Do I need to copyright my music?

Copyrighting your song with the local government is recommended. However, you don’t have to copyright your songs or any other asset or products to use our services.

What can I do with ME Label?

ME Label is a platform that helps artists, labels, and music-prenuers plan, distribute, promote releases under one platform. We built the platform with creative independence in mind. Some of our features include, Worldwide digital distribution Easy Release promotion Royalty Share with band members (more features for labels) Customizable artist landing page with release links & […]